On the 30th of January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and a worldwide pandemic on 11 March 2020.

WHO announced on 5 May 2023 that it no longer considers COVID-19 a PHEIC; however, the COVID-19 pandemic declaration is still active.

While Australia's chief medical officer declared COVID-19 is no longer a Communicable Disease of National Significance (CDINS) on 20 October 2023, Australia has shifted to managing COVID-19 like other common communicable diseases.

Therefore, Burton Street Family Practice takes all necessary precautions to prevent COVID-19 infection and reduce transmission. Our doctors and staff are committed to managing serious illness, hospitalisations and death.

To that end, we request that patients and visitors to the practice with symptoms of COVID-19 follow our guidelines to protect patients, doctors and staff.

We appreciate your cooperation.

You will find the latest COVID-19 information, advice and resources on the WA Department of Health website, the Department of Health website and the Health Direct website. We have also provided links to other resources below.

For information about the COVID-19 vaccine please visit our COVID-19 vaccine page.

Multilingual resources

To access multilingual resources please visit the following links:


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Multilingual Resource Library


For news and information about COVID-19 in 63 languages


Watch Coronavirus videos explained in 16 languages

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Healthy WA - Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Aboriginal people

COVID-19 Aboriginal Health resources

Mental health resources

If you experience increased stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns with the current COVID‑19 outbreak, visit the websites below for information, tips and resources, or contact one of the free support lines.


A new mental health campaign Be Positive. Be Connected. Be Active., was recently launched to help Western Australians manage their wellbeing through the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information as well as self-care and wellbeing strategies visit the Think Mental Health website. 


Lifeline - Mental Health and Wellbeing during the Coronavirus COVID 19 Outbreak


MindSpot - Online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression

Pregnancy, parenting and COVID-19

Pregnancy and COVID-19

For information about pregnancy and COVID-19 click here.

Supporting Children During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

WHO – Helping Children Cope with Stress During the 2019-nCoV Outbreak